Latest Updates in our Building Inspection Software

Latest Updates in our Building Inspection Software

Discover the latest features in the Building Inspection App, enhancing CRM, scheduling, and billing efficiency.

May 10, 2024

Enhanced Navigation and Quick Access Features

We are thrilled to introduce our newest features designed to enhance your experience with the Building Inspection App, powered by Formitize. These updates focus on making navigation easier and improving access to essential information across CRM Jobs, Sales Lead Pipeline, Scheduler, and more.

Watch Our Video:

To get a quick overview of all the exciting new features, watch our 3-minute video below!

Our latest release includes several key enhancements inspired by user feedback, aimed at making your work more efficient and intuitive.

Streamlined Navigation and Quick Access Features

Immediate Access with No Interruptions

  • Quick View/Edit Drawers: Access and edit CRM contact and billing details directly from the CRM >> Contacts section without navigating away from your current page.
  • Rollover Hints: Blue highlighted text and icons now show rollover hints, making navigation intuitive.
Clicking on the ID will open CRM Contact
Clicking the Billing Name or the Primary Contact will open the Side drawer

Enhanced CRM >> Locations

  1. Clicking the Billing Name will open up the View/edit Billing details
  2. Quick Actions - quick actions including:some textsome text
    • Edit Details
    • Add Location
    • Add Contact
    • Open Contact
    • View all options and Merge option
  3. Billing Details > Send Email Icon - Opens the Communication Side Drawer enabling users to Send an Email, Message or Letter.
  4. Shipping > Icons: View on Map and Open location

Consistent User Experience Across Modules

Our Sales Lead Pipeline and Job modules now feature similar quick access side drawers, providing a consistent experience throughout the platform.

  • Lead ID & Contact Links: Clicking on a Lead ID directs you to detailed job pages with new view/edit contact panels.

Improved Accounts and Billing

Enhance the efficiency of financial operations with quick access to view/edit side drawers for invoices, quotes, and purchases directly from the billing column.

Portal users can quickly access the view/edit side drawers for invoices, quotes, and purchases directly from the billing column, enhancing the efficiency of financial operations.

  1. Clicking the ID will open the invoice in edit mode.
  2. Clicking the billing details will open the view/edit contact details drawer.
  3. Clicking on the Job link will direct users to the Job Details page.
The Job details page now display the contact details side drawer

Scheduler Enhancements: View Client Details Instantly

Managing client details from the scheduler is now easier with new features that provide instant access to comprehensive client information.

  • Instant Contact Details View: Click on a job in the scheduler and select "View Contact Details" to see essential client information in a side panel.
  • Efficient Client Management: Update or add billing, contact, and location information seamlessly from the scheduler.

Impact of These Updates

These enhancements streamline navigation, save time, and reduce the number of clicks needed to manage your CRM activities, boosting efficiency and user satisfaction.

We value your feedback and are excited to see how these new features will improve your daily operations. Try them out and let us know what you think!

Your Step Towards Enhanced Efficiency

Now is the perfect time to explore these new features and see how they can streamline your workflows. The Building Inspection App continues to evolve, ensuring your business remains efficient and productive.

So, what are you waiting for?

Dive into the new features today and transform your Building Inspection business with the Building inspection App.

Complete Business Platform

Everything Seamlessly Connected!

Discover our range of modules to understand how the Pest Management App can be
a game-changer for your business.

Unlock the full potential of your inspection business.

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